EF151 Announcements

  • Final Grades / End of Semester Notes
    • The final exams have been graded. You may see your score and view your graded exam on your gradesheet.
    • The deadline for regrade requests is 5 pm Monday December 18. Please first check to make sure the requested change will make a difference in your final grade. The grade estimator is a great tool for that.
    • You can view your final letter grade via the EF 151 web site (it will be at the top of your gradesheet)
    • Letter grades will shortly be posted to http://myutk.utk.edu.
    • Not happy with your grade? We are happy to review it with you, but we would like you to review the final grade FAQ before contacting us.
    • We hope you enjoyed the semester. Have a great break and best wishes for your future.
    updated Wed Dec 13th 10:51 am
  • Are you interested in taking EF 158 in Spring 2024? EF 158 is the honors version of the second semester EF physics course. If you are, fill out the form linked below and Dr. Kit will contact you at the end of the semester.


    updated Mon Oct 30th 4:27 pm
Common EF Announcements
  • TCE AY 24-25 Undergraduate Research Program
    This program is open to freshmen and sophomore engineering students and is designed to support undergraduate engineering students who want to start a new undergraduate research experience (i.e., the student must not have had a previous paid research experience with their prospective faculty mentor). Student applicants are required to seek out a faculty mentor and ask them to provide a letter of support indicating that they will provide guidance in choosing a research topic, conducting the project, and creating a research poster. Students may choose a faculty mentor from another college besides engineering, but must submit a short statement about how this work will enhance their engineering education.

    The link below lists several TCE faculty that have indicated their interest in supporting new students as part of this program. While students are not limited to these faculty, this list could serve as a resource for students who are seeking a mentor.


    The program will begin October 14 2024 and run through April 25 2025. Student participants will

    • be paid $15 per hour for up to 158 hours during the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters
    • be expected to commit to at least 6 hours per week up to a maximum of 10 hours per week
    • receive a budget of $1000 for materials and supplies to support the project (funds not spent can be used to pay for additional work hours beyond 158)
    • be required to attend 3 professional development seminars during the period of the program
    • be required to display a poster at EUReCA in April (date TBA but probably Apr 15 or 22)
    Please complete the following application by October 1, 2024 to be considered. Each student can only submit one application. Decisions will be communicated by October 8. Direct questions to Dr. Kevin Kit (kkit@utk.edu).

    Application link: https://utk.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0UqMbDes0Mqb1gW

    updated Tue Sep 10th 8:55 am