EF 230 Announcements

  • EF230 End of Semester Items
    • Hope you enjoyed the semester. We’ve enjoyed having you in class and seeing what you’ve accomplished this semester. Best wishes for your future engineering career. You'll do great things!
    • Final grades have been posted to http://myutk.utk.edu. Please click the links to the rubrics from your gradesheet to view comments on the final projects and final exam. If you notice an error or missing grade item on the final projects or final exam, email a regrade request with the subject line "EF230 Regrade Request" to both Dr Espera and DrB including the specific problem and rubric item by COB Friday, Dec 15.
    • If you have a grade question, we will be happy to address it, but we encourage you to review the EF Final Grade FAQs before emailing us and be sure the grade in question will make a difference in your final grade. The grade estimator is a great tool for that.
    • Your earned learning badges
    updated Fri Dec 15th 2:54 pm
Common EF Announcements
  • No announcements at this time.