EF 230 Announcements
- EF230 End of Semester Items
- Hope you enjoyed the semester. We’ve enjoyed having you in class and seeing what you’ve accomplished this semester. Best wishes for your future engineering career. You'll do great things!
- Final grades have been posted to http://myutk.utk.edu and your final letter grade is at the top of your gradesheet. Please click the links to the rubric from your gradesheet to view comments on the final project and final exam. If you notice an error or missing grade item on the final project or final exam, email a regrade request with the subject line "EF230 Regrade Request" to both Dr Espera and DrB including the specific problem and rubric item by Monday, May 20 at 8:00a. Please review the final exam instructions below for requirements for full credit.
- If you have a grade question, we will be happy to address it, but we encourage you to review the EF Final Grade FAQs before emailing us and be sure the grade in question will make a difference in your final grade. The grade estimator is not working, apologies, but you can calculate your grade per the syllabus: 20% midterm, 20% final, 30% projects, 30% assignments.
- Your earned learning badges
updated Mon May 20th 9:55 am - Final Exam Information
- The EF230 final exam is in-person Friday May 10 at 6:15PM in Zeanah. Allow extra arrival time, heavy traffic congestion is expected and parking may be limited. Exam room:
- last name A-K in ZEC 278
- last name L-Z in ZEC 378
- The time limit will be 120 minutes.
- The final exam consists of 22 multiple choice questions and 8 coding questions. You only need to select 5 coding problems while the other 3 are extra credit.
- You may not use multiple monitors, Chegg, or Generative AI tools on the exam. (e.g. you should not copy the question text into Bing or ChatGPT)
- To receive credit for final exam coding problems, before you leave the exam room you'll need to upload your code for each problem to their respective dropbox. Your code must implement the specified solution method, run without errors, and determine the correct solution to receive full credit. You must include a brief header at the top of the file as a comment with your name AND a brief but unique description of the problem (e.g. % Smokey Dog % concrete bridge problem)
- When you are done, please scan the QR code posted on the door on your way out to sign out of the EF230 final exam. Enter your NETID on the form.
- Exam Grading and Tips
Proctorio in Canvas
- This is a proctored exam using Proctorio on Canvas. Your web traffic (websites you visit) and your screen will be recorded and monitored during the exam; we will not record video or sound. You can only access the exam with Google Chrome. Please download and install the Google Chrome web browser and the Proctorio Chrome extension if you haven't already.
- You will access your final exam through the EF230 Canvas course site. The links to the multiple choice and coding questions can be found in EF230 Final Exam under Quizzes.
- Important note: You will need to leave the window with your Canvas quiz open while taking the exam in EF230 website! If you close the Canvas window, the proctoring session will end and invalidate your work. When you are done with the exam, make sure to hit "submit quiz".
- You should expect your exam grade to reflect on the EF website, not in Canvas.
- The final exam is cumulative. Review all labs, kahoots, assignments, the midterm and practice exams. Final exam is open book / open web: you may use your m-files and notes, and websearch. You MUST have access to MATLAB.
- Extended time accommodations will only be honored for those taking the final in the SDS testing center.
- The make-up final is Monday May 13 at 8:15AM if you have 3 exams on Friday or a conflict with a simultaneous exam. Submit a missed exam form if you need the makeup exam timeslot by May 7. Requests to take an early/late final at other dates/times will not be honored.
- Required Final Exam Practice Problems.
- Optional Final Exam Practice Problems
General Instructions
updated Wed May 15th 3:09 pm - The EF230 final exam is in-person Friday May 10 at 6:15PM in Zeanah. Allow extra arrival time, heavy traffic congestion is expected and parking may be limited. Exam room:
Common EF Announcements
- TCE AY 24-25 Undergraduate Research ProgramThis program is open to freshmen and sophomore engineering students and is designed to support undergraduate engineering students who want to start a new undergraduate research experience (i.e., the student must not have had a previous paid research experience with their prospective faculty mentor). Student applicants are required to seek out a faculty mentor and ask them to provide a letter of support indicating that they will provide guidance in choosing a research topic, conducting the project, and creating a research poster. Students may choose a faculty mentor from another college besides engineering, but must submit a short statement about how this work will enhance their engineering education.
The link below lists several TCE faculty that have indicated their interest in supporting new students as part of this program. While students are not limited to these faculty, this list could serve as a resource for students who are seeking a mentor.
The program will begin October 14 2024 and run through April 25 2025. Student participants will
- be paid $15 per hour for up to 158 hours during the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters
- be expected to commit to at least 6 hours per week up to a maximum of 10 hours per week
- receive a budget of $1000 for materials and supplies to support the project (funds not spent can be used to pay for additional work hours beyond 158)
- be required to attend 3 professional development seminars during the period of the program
- be required to display a poster at EUReCA in April (date TBA but probably Apr 15 or 22)
Application link: https://utk.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0UqMbDes0Mqb1gW
updated Tue Sep 10th 8:55 am